You were probably just too fast! Please wait for the app to finish downloading to your device and refresh the PLAY screen. Otherwise please bear in mind that you have to get an app from the Google Play Store after you selected it from your Playtime game feed. If you have not downloaded the game from the Play Store or you went directly to the Play Store for the download without selecting it from the “Discover” page, we cannot reward your play-time.
Articles in this section
- How Play works?
- How to earn cashback reward from Play?
- Where can I see my cashback reward from Play?
- There are no games available on the list to play. What should I do?
- After playing the game, I don’t receive the reward. What should I do?
- Why it requires me to allow Snapcart to track my app usage?
- Should I be worried about the tracking?
- I have selected an app but I cannot get it onto my phone.
- I installed an app but it is not shown in my “Installed Apps” section.
- Why are my installed apps gone? They are still on my device.
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